Pin to Real Life Outfit #1

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Left photo source: Atlantic-Pacific (used with permission)

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In case you spent the whole weekend at the pool (color me jealous) and you missed the big news, this week I am doing the Pin to Real Life style challenge! Never heard of it before? That’s because I invented it. You’re welcome.

The first outfit I recreated was based on a look from the ridiculously stylish Blair of Atlantic-Pacific. I pinned this look because (a) it’s adorable, and (b) I had all the ingredients to do a spot-on re-enactment. I skipped the hat though, because hats aren’t really my thing. I wore this over the weekend to go out for pizza with friends and take a short walk around Monument Circle in downtown Indy. I probably never would have mixed this dress, jacket, and shoe together if I hadn’t pinned Blair’s look, so that’s a win for the Pin to Real Life style challenge!

If you try your own Pin to Real Life look this week, don’t forget to mention me! Send me your link and I’ll post it here on SRL.

similar Dress (on sale) // Jacket // similar Shoes // other similar Shoes (on sale) // Bracelet(25% off with code REALLIFE25) // vintage Coach bag via eBay // Necklace

*Bracelet gifted by House of Gemmes

Over the River and Through the Woods

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I wore this outfit more than a week ago when my family was in town, but the day was so busy I never got around to taking photos. So this past Sunday afternoon when we went for a stroll through River Road Park, I threw the look back together to take les photos. Side note: it was much cooler when I originally wore this, so the jacket didn’t last long the second time around.

Now. Are you ready for your random Sarah fact of the day? Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been strangely good at finding four-leaf clovers. I used to spot them while I was walking, without even stopping to look. Yep, I’ve always been a freak. I did actually stop and look this time, but I probably found this little guy in under 2 minutes. Lucky me!

Dress (on clearance) // Jacket // similar Shoes (on sale) // vintage Coach bag via eBay

Utility Jacket + Pencil Skirt

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Not to sound too self-satisfied, but I really like every outfit I wear. If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t wear it. But there are some outfits I really love. (It’s kinda like: I like my Sketchers, but I love my Prada backpack – name that movie!)

This outfit was one I loved! I just got this utility jacket after looking high and low (but mostly low because I’m short and cheap) for the perfect one. This baby’s just the right shape and weight to wear all day, so rather than wait for the weekend to wear it with jeans, I wore it to work yesterday mixed with this floral pencil skirt. It was right up my alley because there’s nothing I love more than an unexpected mix! Except maybe a kitten washing its face. I mean you can’t beat that.

Jacket // Skirt (on sale) // similar Shoes // vintage Coach bag via eBay // Lipstick “Romantic”