Pumped Up Kicks

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Back when I was working full time, I wore heels a lot during the day, so I always wore flats on the weekend to give my feet a break. For some reason I’ve been in a major heels mood recently, but I refuse to wear heels (besides boots) to school when I’m walking up and down stairs with a heavy bag. Just…no. Ouch.

So to get my fix, I’ll wear them on the weekend! Duh. I’m not sure why I don’t do this more often because it makes my jeans, tee, and leather jacket look pretty damn fancy. I wore this last Sunday to go out to lunch, then run a couple errands before returning to my dungeon of studying. I know it’s cheesy, but going out in the world for a couple hours to strut around in hot pink pumps really made my day.

On a side note, I love these sunglasses – the shape and color kind of make me think of the wings on a vintage car. And who doesn’t want an old car on their face?

similar Jacket // similar Shoes (on sale) // Bag // Sunglasses // Shirt (on sale, extra 50% off) // Lips “Plushest Punch”

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