Sister Act

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The title of this post isn’t a pun…this is actually the outfit I wore to go see Sister Act the musical. I’m not in the habit of throwing around great reviews if I don’t mean it, but this show was seriously hilarious and entertaining. I would tell you about the bad parts, but there were nun. There was a big mass of people in the audience, and we were all cracking up. I was praying it would go on even longer. I mean Jesus Christ was that a great show!

Like I said…no puns here.

In other news, it’s almost the end of the month, which means the end of the remix challenge! The repeat item of the day is this belt. Check out how I wore it yesterday. Tomorrow I’ll post outfit #28 and a Week 4 roundup. If you’ve joined the remix in the past week, be sure to let me know so I can include your link.

similar Dress (on sale) // similar Cardigan // Belt // similar Clutch // Shoes (on sale) // Necklace // similar Earrings // Lipstick “Schiap”

9 thoughts on “Sister Act

  1. Hey Sarah, I’ve come to the party too late – I’ve been meaning to do the Take One Pass It On in February but I kept forgetting. It’s such a great idea though, so maybe I’ll do it for the month of March, even if I won’t be able to join the link-up!

  2. I’m pretty sure I have that same dress, and I’ve never thought to pair it with leopard, but after seeing this, I LOVE IT. I’ll definitely be trying this out!!

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