Hello, Yellow!






I like to think I’m witty, but at the moment I can think of nothing witty to say about today’s outfit post. What I can think of to say is that I was pretty proud of it. Yellow? Good. Lace details? Good. Silk scarfs in the summer? Good.

And in other news, you can now follow my blog with Bloglovin’ if you like. The button is at the bottom of this page for your link pleasure. You can also follow me on Twitter (@sarahsreallife), where I will tweet new posts as well as other important, life-altering announcements like “i just got new shoes. woot!” If you follow me, I’ll follow you too!

Top: Ann Taylor / Pants: Express / Scarf: gift from my sister, which means it was probably from Urban Outfitters / Earrings: Francesca’s Collections / Bracelet: What to Wear Boutique / Shoes: Nine West

7 thoughts on “Hello, Yellow!

    • Thanks! I bought it originally to go under a suit for an interview but I’ve worn it with jeans too. I just love all the details so much! It’s sort of a change for me since I tend to buy mostly simple knits.

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