Snow Boots

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I realized recently that my shoe options for snowy and slushy days are limited. Flats don’t work because my feet will freeze, and most of my boots are suede or otherwise too nice to risk being ruined. I have my burgundy Hunter rain boots, but I don’t necessarily want to wear those every day, plus when I have to brush snow off my car it falls right down in there! Brr! Is this why people wear UGG boots? Because they’re so hideous that salt and water stains can only make them look better? Maybe, but I will never put those things on my feet.

So I set out on a mission to find some sturdy, snow-appropriate boots that I also wouldn’t mind ruining by the end of the season (i.e. cheap). Naturally, my search started and ended at Target. They were sold out of actual “snow boots” with fuzzy lining, but that’s not a deal-breaker for me. That’s what socks are for, right? But Target did still have plenty of other boots, and let me just say it took a lot of self control to stick to my mission. (I desperately wanted to go home with these, but peep toes are not exactly snow-friendly.) I surprised myself and ended up with these babies – never thought I would own combat boots, but when you think about it, they’re great for snow! Plenty of coverage for your feet, comfortable, and nice and tight against your leg to keep those cold flakes out of your bidness. They’re $35, but I had $16 left on a gift card, plus 5% off with my Red Card, so I only paid about $18 for them.

They’re also all man-made materials – I walked through some major slush, and once the boots dried, the dirt and salt wiped right off. It’s a little early to attest to the long-term quality, but so far they’re exactly what I wanted! The only problem? Now that I see them in an outfit, I realize they’re actually kind of cute. Maybe I shouldn’t wear them in the snow, just in case… 😉

Boots (in more colors/prints here) // similar Dress (in blue) // similar Turtleneck (under $20) // similar Silver Bracelet (under $6) // similar Gold Bracelet // similar Necklace // Sunglasses (on sale) // Bag (on sale in other colors) // Lips “Cherry Fever”

P.S. If you’re wondering what this scenic background is, it’s outside the Indianapolis Museum of Art. I went to see the Matisse: Life in Color exhibition on Saturday, and I highly recommend it! This is your last week to catch it – it closes Jan. 12. You can see some of my favorite parts of the exhibition on my Instagram.

14 thoughts on “Snow Boots

  1. I swore high an low that I wouldn’t wear UGGs or look-a-likes. Then I bought a pair to wear as slippers. Man are they comfy and warm! But before you judge… I never left the house in them. I was seriously tempted… but after all they are UGGs.

    • No judgment…I wear ridiculous looking slippers all the time! In my opinion, there’s a big difference between loungewear and real-world-wear. I give almost zero thought to what I look like when I’m curled up on the couch at home!

  2. This is exactly my plan! I need a pair of boots to wear in the slush (and salt!) that I don’t care about. I was tempted to go all in for some Sorel boots, since I have a feeling I will be wearing them a lot this winter, but I’ll probably do what you did (they are super cute). I really like that they don’t look like snow boots.

    • I hear good things about Sorel boots, and I’m sure they would last you longer than these. But I’ve already spent lots of money on cute boots that I can’t wear in the snow, which leaves me with a smaller budget for snow boots 🙂

  3. I wish we had cute snowy winters like you, I’d LOVE to rock that outfit in winter. However, we got three feet in two days in early December (and more after that), so faux leather Target boots don’t really cut it. Oh, and it’s -25 today so Minnesotans need something a little warmer 🙂 Everyone here wears Steger mukluks, it’s a company started by the family of an arctic explorer and everything is manufactured in Minnesota. Otherwise, like Anna said, Sorels are the bomb. Cute and SO warm.

    • Haha I love that you think we have “cute” winters because I grew up in North Carolina, so to me this is “real” winter! It’s all relative, I guess! Well maybe you could use these boots in June, when you just have light flurries…. 😉

  4. I had a pair of black combat boots that I wore on snow days all through college. Yours are much prettier than mine were, but I was usually wearing bootcut jeans, so they weren’t super visible.

  5. I love layering long sleeves under short sleeved dresses. It’s one of my favorite combos. Loving the subtle print mixing you’ve done here. I can attest to Sorel boots (I live in a rainy climate, but still). They are warm and sturdy and feel better on my feet than regular Wellies. I do love the Target option you have here. But should you find a pair of Sorel’s on sale, I highly recommend them!

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