There’s Always Time for Polka Dots

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It’s been a busy week, folks. This biz-casual look is from Tuesday, when I worked a full day at my internship, then went to dinner with the in-laws, then did some very important shopping at H&M. OK, so some of the busy-ness I bring on myself. Like this blog post, for example. I could probably save myself a little time by skipping a post once in a while, but blogging is just so fun I consider it my sanity-saver even if it does mean I have to stay up a little later to finish other more important things.

And it would just be so tragic if I didn’t share this cute little polka-dotted outfit with you. Right? Just think about how enriched your life is now that I’ve taken time out of my busy schedule to show you what I wore. You’re welcome. You can thank me by donating to my favorite charity, the Sarah’s Law School Loan Repayment Fund. Or you can just leave me a nice comment.

similar Top // similar Shoes (on sale) // Bag // similar Scarf* // Watch* // Lips “Punch Drunk”

*Scarf provided courtesy of House of Gemmes; watch provided courtesy of Dainty Wrist Jewelry.

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