Cheap Substitutes

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You’ve probably noticed a lack of fancy designer duds on this here lil blog. That’s because law students make approximately negative $1000 a minute. I guess if I wanted to I could take what little money I have, not buy any other clothes for 2 months, and save it up to buy 1 expensive thing. But the chances of me not buying clothes for 2 months are about the same as the chances of Miley Cyrus becoming a nun. Or of me becoming a nun, for that matter.

Still, I’m a regular Vogue reader and Shopbop peruser. I mean, a girl can admire beautiful things from afar, right? Among the beautiful things I’ve admired recently are these zillion-dollar studded Valentino flats. So you can see why I was excited to find the much cheaper shoes I’m wearing today that have a similar look.

I’m not sure if there will ever be a day when I drop $800 on a pair of shoes, but let’s just say that day’s not today. And I’m OK with that.

similar Sweater (on sale) // similar Shorts // Bracelet // similar Shoes // other similar Shoes (mine are from TJ Maxx but I couldn’t find them anywhere online!)

7 thoughts on “Cheap Substitutes

  1. The only thing I wear that I can justify spending money on is jewelry because it lasts forever. I just don’t see the point in spending hundreds and thousands on transient fashion.

    You did an amazing job finding such similar shoes!

  2. Girl, I’m with you. Maybe I’m not making negative 1000 dollars a minute, but I feel like I’m spending a 1000 dollars a minute on rent, loans, bills, #adultstuff. Gross. I’m right there with you in the non-designer duds…but hey, you make it work, the outfit is fabulous and that’s what counts! Kind of obsessed with the turquoise and paisley shorts with the neutral sweater!

    I’m rocking some very similar shorts (skort?) on my blog tomorrow..and you better believe that none of mine will be designer either. Broke/trendy girls unite!

    xx, Brenna of Bubbly in Brooklyn

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