Polka Dot Stamp of Approval





20121106-170658.jpgNot gonna lie…I was little worried about looking totally wacky wearing these tights to school. Don’t get me wrong, I like to make a statement. I just prefer that that statement isn’t “I’m 4 years old and dressed myself for the first time today!”

But my mind was put at ease. I got about 50 compliments from friends, strangers, and the guy who works at the cafe in my building (he says something about my clothes almost every day…I think he’s my biggest fan). On a side note, I learned that some people still use the term “stockings.” This was news to me. In my book, stockings are for hanging by the chimney with care. These are tights.

I’m happy to know I can get away with these for class, but I’m looking forward to dressing them up a bit for a holiday party!

Sweater: Victoria’s Secret, old (similar)

Dress (worn as skirt): H&M, old but still available

Tights: Kate Spade

Shoes: Nine West, old (similar)

Necklace: LOFT (similar)

14 thoughts on “Polka Dot Stamp of Approval

  1. LOVE these tights! It has just occurred to me who you resemble…. that cute blond from that awesome show that lasted one season… Jack and Jill… Isn’t her name Sarah too? Paulson?? At any rate, cute outfit here, and I love the most recent one with the green/navy. Great top and great boots! Happy Weekend!

    • That’s so funny…You’re the second person to tell me recently that I look like Sarah Paulson, but no one has ever mentioned it before that. Maybe I only recently started looking like her? Haha. Well I’m not sure I see it, but I won’t complain since she’s quite pretty!

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