Moving Pictures

jean shorts, jeff koons ballon dog bag, dsw colorblock pumps, h&m black blazer jean shorts, jeff koons ballon dog bag, dsw colorblock pumps, h&m black blazer jean shorts, jeff koons ballon dog bag, dsw colorblock pumps, h&m black blazer jean shorts, jeff koons ballon dog bag, dsw colorblock pumps, h&m black blazer jean shorts, jeff koons ballon dog bag, dsw colorblock pumps, h&m black blazer

As you know, I spent a good chunk of my summer studying for the Bar, so I didn’t get out much. Now that I’ve come out the other side alive, I’ve started to have flashbacks to my former life. The other day I remembered this thing that people do sometimes, and I think I used to do it too. You go to a special place and sit in a dark room where there’s this screen that plays stuff on a big screen. You watch it and listen to it and feel various feelings of mirth and/or despair depending on the day. Sometimes you eat popcorn and candy while you do it. It’s generally an enjoyable experience.

I did some investigating and found out this experience is called “going to the movies,” so I did it this week! It was lovely. This is what I wore.

Also, today is my birthday. Haven’t had one of those in a while, either!

similar Blazer* (on sale, extra 15% off  w/ code LUCKYU) // Shorts // Shoes // Bag* // Ring // Lips “Lip Bomb #2”

*Blazer and bag provided courtesy of H&M.

13 thoughts on “Moving Pictures

  1. Haha! I feel the same way after I’ve been super busy. Going to the movies. Going to a sit down restaurant. Pretty simple things you have to learn about all over again. Those shoes are awesome.

  2. Happy birthday!!! (Way to bury the lead!) It must be such a relief to have the bar over! Next you should try going to these places that give you food that you choose from a list and then they take the dirty dishes away – it’s fantastic and so easy 😉

  3. love this outfit! there’s something wonderful about shorts and blazers. also: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i hope it is filled with cupcakes and sunshine and lots of good wine! xo

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